Projects: Facility

The Pyramid Project: Investment

Guiding Your Visions into the

The Pyramid Project: Investment Features


Potential Investor:

Athens West Productions is pleased to announce an opportunity to invest in Phase I of The Pyramid Project. This phase requires a total of $1.44M for R&D in exchange for a 12% profit and a 3% ownership position in each of 5 new related companies. The primary company is of course "Pyramid Project" presented here as the core facility. The other four companies will supply the Pyramid Project with content as well as develop stand alone products for the market. In this way we offer the investor a built in "Mutual Fund" approach to a related yet diversified investment. This section outlines the basic opportunities offered to those who choose to participate in phase I. The chart below is intended to assist you in navigating the the relationship between each company and phase of investment.


The Pyramid Project: Investment Organization Chart




At this time, an LLC will serve as the financial instrument for business and tax purposes. With that in mind, the number of “members/shares” is intended not to exceed 24 with each representing a minimum investment of 60K. Each share therefore equals .5% (1/2 of 1%) of the project profits. Any given member can choose to invest in up to a total of 12 shares equaling 720K. All investments have a passive ownership status and do not support a voting position. Upon completion of an investment transaction, the investor will be entered on the “Order of Investment list (OIL)” and will enjoy the following options:

  • First Right of Refusal regarding acquisition of any outstanding shares (from phase I) that might become available in the course of the projects development phases. The cost of those shares is based on the initial cost adjusted by federally documented inflation. After the project opens, the price of any outstanding shares will be determined via an independent arbitrator.
  • First Right of Refusal regarding participation in Phase II & III investments.
  • Access to all event offerings after the facility reaches full operational status.
  • Tax status of profit/loss directly proportional to the total sum of their investment.


Safeguards: No funding will be accessed until phase I funding reaches 50% (720K) and all current investors will be exposed to developmental costs on an equal basis.

This phase will reflect executing the design’s pre-site engineering and basic marketing study required to support the creation of a business plan.


Phase 1 will create the following deliverables:

  • A Project virtual 3D and table model
  • A full set of 2D CAD design drawings and functionality specifications
  • A preliminary pre-site set of engineering bids
  • A nationally based demographics study to support a pre-site business plan
  • A formalized pre-site Business Plan for Phase II funding



Phase II represents the creation of four additional LLCs that will serve to create content for The Pyramid Project’s facility in addition to developing stand alone product lines.

The number of “members/shares” is TBD and represents a projected total investment of 14M in exchange for a 7% ownership and a 21% profit position. This ownership and profit potion is applied to all 5 LLCs to further diversify investment risk and response to market trends. As previously noted, Phase I investors have the “First Right of Refusal” via the “OIL” order to invest in this phase as a passive owner with no voting position.


At this juncture the project investment ownership and profit position is as follows:

Project Phase #:

Investor type





Amt. (M)

Phase I:

Investors (max. 24)




Key Personnel



Phase I Totals:



Phase II:

Investors (max. TBD)




PI&II (All 5 LLCs)

Investors (max. TBD)







With the completion of phase I & II, the project will formally revisit the financial model that will best serve funding the construction and pilot production of products and programs required to fully engage The Pyramid Project’s potential.

Phase II will create a fully engineered and site specific “Manufacturing Bid Package” and “Franchise Investor Package”. These packages will also serve, as a presentation tool to solicit the funding required to complete phase III of the project.


Phase II will create the following deliverables:

  • A site specific project virtual 3D and table model
  • A full set of engineering contracts and licensed tooling agreements
  • A fully secured set of options and zoning agreements for the prototype site
  • A global based and site specific demographics study to support a franchise business plan
  • A formalized Franchise Business Plan for Phase III funding



At this juncture, a 22% ownership and a 44% profit position is held in reserve for funding phase III without the intention of diluting the phase I & II investment positions. As before, phase I and II investors will again have”First Right of Refusal” regarding Phase III funding in part or in whole.

Please note with all investments of this nature, it is the sole responsibility of the investor to research and understand the risks and feasibility's of the project’s ability to return the investment and support opportunities for continuing profit.